MAZEL TOV!Congregation Shearith Israel celebrates each Bar Mitzvah and Bat Mitzvah with warmth and love and we have since our first Bar Mitzvah in 1884!
Hazzan Zhrebker supervises our team of outstanding tutors. He meets with every prospective Bar and Bat Mitzvah student and serves as a resource for questions and to help create a plan considering each child's unique learning style. Hazzan works to ensure the student is making progress toward his or her individualized goals. We want the B'nei Mitzvah day to be meaningful to your family. All our Klei Kodesh staff and teachers are here to make sure that the day feels significant and appropriate for your family. |
WE'RE HERE TO HELP!Sandi Burt, our B’nei Mitzvah Coordinator, is here to help parents with the planning process. Please feel free to contact her at [email protected] or 214-939-7315.
Janice Leventhal can provide parents and party planners with a list of approved caterers. For more information on becoming a Bar or Bat Miztvah, download our B’nei Mitzvah Guide to learn more . Your B'nei Mitzvah is just the beginning!Next up: DeReKH High School Program