Help Wanted!
drive fellow congregantsAs we reopen our doors for in-person services, members of our community need rides to services and programs. If you can provide a ride to shul, contact Theresa at [email protected].
mitzvah mealsCongregants with temporary medical issues such as those returning home from the hospital, those undergoing intensive medical treatments, or those with other family hardships may now have meals provided for them by fellow congregants who volunteer to help. Email Joel Roffman at [email protected] to get cookin'!
BIKKUR CHOLIMCongregant volunteers supplement clergy hospital visits and help keep those in the hospital company during their stay. Remember that privacy laws prevent the hospital from providing information to us. If you, a loved one or friend is in the hospital and would like visitors, please let us know by emailing Theresa Hurt or calling the Rabbinic Department at (214) 939-7314.
photograph eventsLove to snap pictures? Your help is needed at a variety of Shearith programs to help us capture all the amazing moments! Contact Matt Arnold at [email protected].
Volunteer at the galleryThe Gallery needs salespeople to be in-store Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays from 10 am to 12 noon.
Please considering volunteering for two 2-hour shifts a month! Volunteers will unpack new merchandise, work on displays, shoot short promotional videos, host ZOOM shopping sessions, update the online store, plus dust, clean, wrap and deliver! The Gallery is entirely run by volunteers and all proceeds benefit Shearith Israel. Work just two shifts per month and earn 20% off most of your purchases. Contact Mireille at [email protected] or Mindy at [email protected] |