Irene Kogutt, z"l Scholar-in-Residence Shabbat
Dr. Benjamin D. Sommer,
Professor of Bible at the Jewish Theological Seminary VISITS fEBRUARY 22-23
Benjamin Sommer is Professor of Bible at the Jewish Theological Seminary. His books, Revelation and Authority: Sinai in Jewish Scripture and Tradition (Yale, 2015), The Bodies of God and the World of Ancient Israel (Cambridge, 2009), and A Prophet Reads Scripture: Allusion in Isaiah 40–66 (Stanford, 1998), received multiple prizes in the United States and Israel. The Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz described Sommer as “a traditionalist and yet an iconoclast – he shatters idols and prejudices in order to nurture Jewish tradition and its applicability today.”
Friday, February 22
6 pm - Carlebach/Gospel Service
with One Voice Gospel Choir
Followed by a Shabbat dinner and lecture:
Jewish Bible/Christian Bible: Same Words, Different Texts
Register for Shabbat Dinner HERE
Shabbat Morning, February 23
9:30 am - Shabbat Services
What is the Book of Exodus Really About? (Hint: It’s not the Exodus!)
1 pm - Following Kiddush Lunch
Traditional Views About Life After Death and How They Got Lost
6 pm - Carlebach/Gospel Service
with One Voice Gospel Choir
Followed by a Shabbat dinner and lecture:
Jewish Bible/Christian Bible: Same Words, Different Texts
Register for Shabbat Dinner HERE
Shabbat Morning, February 23
9:30 am - Shabbat Services
What is the Book of Exodus Really About? (Hint: It’s not the Exodus!)
1 pm - Following Kiddush Lunch
Traditional Views About Life After Death and How They Got Lost