Sukkot-Shemini Atzeret - simchat torah
In-Person: Sukkot Hour | 6 pm Services; 6:45 pm Dinner Rabbi Shira Wallach and Rabbi Adam Roffman lead services in the style of Shabbat Hour, featuring beautiful instrumental music, lots of energized singing, and meaningful kavvanot—intentions for prayer. This event is in-person only. Cost $15/adult, $9/child. A hot dinner will be served in individual containers. Zoom and Facebook Live: Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat | 6 pm Hazzan Itzhak Zhrebker leads Evening Minyan. Watch on Zoom and Facebook Live. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10 Shemini Atzeret/Yizkor service | 9:30 am Rabbi Adam Roffman and Hazzan Itzhak Zhrebker lead morning Shemini Atzeret/Yizkor services. In-person service is full. Watch on Zoom and Facebook Live. |
Erev Simchat Torah | 7:45 pm Join all the Klei Kodesh online to celebrate, sing, and dance with the Torah. If you feel adventurous, click below to learn about drinks you can make to honor your favorite book of the Torah, created and designed by our friend Rabbi Sarit Horwitz. ONLY via Zoom and Facebook Live. ![]()
Simchat Torah | 9:30 am The celebration continues. Join us in person in Ornish Garden or online via Zoom and Facebook Live as we come together for Simchat Torah. Kids—tune in for the Torah Service to receive a special blessing, and help us start our new tradition. We are excited to share with you our family honorees for each Hakafah: 1. Shiva, Jarrod, Joshua, Jonathan, and Lillian Beck 2. Rivka, Brad, Devon, and Grace Altman 3. Matan, Ben, Noah, and Mia White 4. Julie, Aharon, Eliana, Amelia, and Briella Yochananov 5. Jennifer, David, Benjamin, Joel, and Sophie Charney 6. Natalie, Michael, Charlie, Andrew, and Katie Waldman 7. Ariella Hanker, Lior, Kira, Natan, and Sarit Klirs |